Sept 2022 President Message

The Sept 2022 President Message has the following vector file:


Content of the message is as follows:

Greetings to all you Mopar owners. September is approaching fast. Summer has been very busy for everyone, with car shows and cruise-ins more popular this year. We have attended more this year, in local areas. Don looks forward to the evening cruises at Hemmings Motor news every year since the headquarters are only 40 minutes away. Their cruises attracted vehicles from a large area.
Which brings me to very disappointing news; Hemmings has gone!! They have moved their headquarters to South Carolina. They were a big presence in Bennington, Vt., showing up with their signature 1936 Ford panel truck in front of their offices and store, and at local car shows. They contributed gift bags to our club when we had a club tour there as part of the National Plymouth Meet at Jiminy Peak in 1999. They have always been involved with local events. Very sad.
On a happier note, Those who missed the tour to the American Heritage Museum, missed an amazing display of vehicles , beautiful cars and a wonderful military exhibit with many tanks. Check out the pictures and Don’s write up on our web site. Very interesting.
Also, the Palmers and the Ruops attended a local car show in Vernon, CT. Don has posted pictures from that also.
The September meet is at the IOKA valley farm in Hancock, Mass (Rte 43) on Saturday September 10th. It is sponsored by the Hancock Volunteer Fire Dept as a fundraiser. It’s a gorgeous country location with door prizes and trophies. There will be food on site. 10 – 2 Hope for good weather. Rain date Sunday. If you have never been , call me so we can park together. (Contact info below.)
The October meeting is under consideration. Details in the next newsletter.

2 thoughts on “Sept 2022 President Message

  1. I am looking to sell many Plymouth car parts that are from my father in-law’s estate. When he passed, he had 15 cars including a 32 Plymouth convertible, a 34 Plymouth 2 door coupe, a 38 Plymouth pickup, 47 Plymouth, 2 – 54 Plymouth, 63 Belvedere, 2 Valiants and more. I have 109 pictures with many parts. I know what some of the parts are but many I’m not sure. Located in Minnesota about 25 miles west of Minneapolis. I have about 150 pieces of 54 Plymouth trim, taillights, grill parts, bucket lights, steering columns, drive shaft from 30’s? a few reconditioned parts in NAPA boxes one I looked up was a water pump for 51 to 54 Plymouth? Boxes of spark plugs, boxes of brake rebuild parts, Trim for a 63 Belvedere, taillights for 54 Plymouth, wire wheels I think from the 50’s, hub caps, dash cover for a 38 Plymouth pickup and more. Over the last decade we sold the cars, engines and transmissions, I grew up during the muscle car era and it was just more than we all (me, I did the work) wanted to deal with keeping batteries charged, air in the tires driving them and working on the fussy ones and so on! Also have what I recall being a 34 complete, front independent suspension my father in-law said was a 50-dollar upgrade in the day not many could afford. Thoughts?

    1. Selling part by part versus as a lot (like all the 54 parts) is a decision to start with. Some parts may be best sold individually (like a rare locking door handle) but most as a lot will be all the time you could muster. Buyers may only want a specific part and resist buying the lot. However they will take the lot just to get the part(s) they need. That’s what I did….when selling the car I insisted they were buying all the parts for it which included rare items. They were convinced it was worth it. So was I.

      We would be glad to list any part for sale that you can positively identify & describe; it’s a bonus for our Region Members to have the opportunity. The Region has several 54’s for instance and the opportunity to correct the part on the car would get their interest. However they are unlikely to trek out to haul a lot. None of the members operate a flea market or sell parts so there would be less demand “to stock up” on that front.

      A picture & description including condition will get you a “for sale” listing in that category section of the website.


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