Jan 2022 President Message

The Jan 2022 President Message has the following vector file:


Contents of the message are as follows:

Happy New Year to you all, I hope it is !!!
This Covid pandemic is getting verrrrry tiresome. It does put a big damper on activities and socializing. Therefore, there are no meetings scheduled at this time, however I am really hoping we can resume in March with something, somewhere.

As the time gets closer we can plan what to do. It would be great to go to a nice restaurant for an actual meeting, but we can do outside stuff again if necessary. I would love to have some suggestions from members for something in your area during the year.

We try not to have just a meeting, but some activity. May or may not include food, but this club really enjoys ice cream before heading home. Saturday or Sunday Is OK, but usually the 3rd Sunday because of the traveling. Usually we meet around noon and meet until 4, but special events may alter that timeline. The host picks the time.

Suggestions are; car related (cruises, shows, museums, special events, auto flea markets, parades, races,etc) but not limited to car related. Members could offer to view their collections, a car project in progress, a work bee on their problem, etc. We also like outdoor stuff; picnics, tours, rambles, an obstacle course, lake cruises, etc.

I remind you that Don Palmer posts car shows and cruises on our web site . Just let him know if you want one posted.

Wanted: Someone to take the club Sun Tester . Judi Nichols wants to get this out of her garage. It works fine for 1980’s & older cars/trucks and comes with a manual. It belongs to the club and someone needs to store it until the club decides what to do with it. A volunteer please let Judi, Don P or myself know if you can help.

I am attaching the roster for you to save. Let me know if you would like a hard copy . It comes in VERY handy when you want club info. Because of room, I have eliminated any non-Chrysler Corp cars. Let me know if you want a car added. Bob, I already added Bruce’s Plymouth 1932 convertible to your list.

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